100 Most Bizarre & Ridiculous Laws Still Practised Today Around The World

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The world’s legal systems are a patchwork quilt of history, culture, and sometimes, just plain eccentricity. These laws, ranging from the sensibly protective to the outright bizarre, from the silent vacuum cleaners of Switzerland to the solemn, non-farting Thursdays of Florida, remind us of human civilization’s diverse and rich tapestry. So, whether you’re planning to serenade your loved one in Kalamazoo or dance the night away in Japan, make sure you’re up to date on your local legal oddities.

We’re embarking on a globe-trotting adventure to uncover some of the most bizarre and head-scratchingly ridiculous laws still on the books today—the ones that make you have “What the heck were they thinking?” moments. So, grab a drink, and let’s embark on this journey filled with laughter and disbelief because it’s the 100 most bizarre and ridiculous laws still in existence today!

Table of Contents

1. Chickens Can’t Cross the Road in Quitman, Georgia

Chickens can't cross the road in Georgia

Yes, you heard it right. In Quitman, it’s illegal for a chicken to cross the road. The age-old joke finally meets its match. But seriously, how do they enforce this? Is there a chicken patrol?

2. No Camels on Highways in Nevada

In Nevada, it’s illegal to ride a camel on the highway. Because, you know, the massive camel traffic jams were really getting out of hand in the desert.

3. No Dying in the Houses of Parliament, UK

It’s illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament in the UK. If you’re feeling a bit under the weather, best step outside. They really take the “no rest for the wicked” saying seriously.

4. It’s a No-Go for UFOs in Châteauneuf-du-Pape, France

The French town of Châteauneuf-du-Pape has a law that prohibits flying saucers from landing in their vineyards. Because alien tourists could really mess with the wine vintage, right?

5. Don’t Chew Gum in Singapore

In Singapore, chewing gum is banned unless it’s medicinal. Guess you’ll have to find another way to keep your jaw busy. Just don’t get caught sticking it under a desk.

6. Keep Your Laundry to Yourself in Switzerland

In Switzerland, hanging laundry out to dry on Sundays is a big no-no. Because nothing says “sacred day” like banning the display of your undies in the sunlight.

7. No Public Singing in North Carolina With Off-Key Tunes

Singing off-key in public is banned in North Carolina. So, if you’re planning to unleash your inner diva there, you better make sure you’re in tune.

8. Forget About Reincarnating Without Permission in China

The Chinese government requires you to file for a permit to reincarnate. Yes, bureaucracy now extends beyond this life. Good luck filling out those forms in the afterlife.

9. Keep Your Penguins in Check in Kentucky

In Kentucky, it’s illegal to dye a duckling blue and offer it for sale unless more than six are for sale at once. But what about my fashion-forward penguin?

10. No Flying Carpets in Milan, Italy

no flying carpets, italy

Milan has a law that states it’s illegal to fly a carpet over the city. Because the last thing you want is traffic control for magic carpets.

11. Bears Can’t Wrestle in Alabama

In Alabama, it’s illegal to promote or engage in bear wrestling. There go my weekend plans of starting a bear wrestling league.

12. No Whaling in Oklahoma

Oklahoma explicitly bans whaling. Good thing, considering their well-known whale populations in those vast Oklahoman oceans.

13. Silent Cheeseburgers in Little Rock, Arkansas

You can’t honk your car horn at a sandwich shop after 9 pm in Little Rock, Arkansas. Because, obviously, cheeseburgers need their beauty sleep too.

14. No Dirty Talk with Virginian Profanity

Swearing in public in Virginia can get you fined. So, mind your language, or your wallet might feel lighter.

15. No Clown Costumes for Public Officials in Vendargues, France

This French town bans public officials from dressing as clowns during Halloween. Because nothing says “government efficiency” like clown-free bureaucracy.

Diving into these laws is like opening a Pandora’s box of legal quirks that make you wonder what prompted such specific regulations. Whether it’s keeping your penguin pals dye-free or ensuring your carpet stays firmly on the ground in Milan, the world is full of strange, hilarious laws that remind us not to take life too seriously.

16. No Forgetting Your Wife’s Birthday in Samoa

In Samoa, it’s apparently illegal to forget your wife’s birthday. Gentlemen, start setting those reminders now, or it might not just be the silent treatment you’re facing.

17. Don’t Slurp Your Soup in New Jersey

Slurping your soup might be the ultimate compliment to the chef in some places, but in New Jersey, it’s frowned upon by the law. Keep your appreciation silent, folks.

18. Ban on Spitting in Barcelona

Barcelona takes cleanliness seriously, with laws against spitting on the streets. So, if you need to expel something, you better find a more discreet way to do it.

19. Illegal to Wear a Suit of Armor in the UK Parliament

If you’re visiting the UK Parliament, leave your suit of armor at home; it’s against the law to enter wearing one. Because modern politics is already tough enough without medieval duels.

20. No Stealing Sand from Sardinian Beaches

Sardinia loves its beaches so much that taking sand as a souvenir is illegal. You’ll have to find another way to remember those beach days.

21. In Scotland, It’s Illegal Not to Let Someone Use Your Toilet

Illegal not to let someone use your bathroom

If someone knocks on your door in Scotland asking to use the loo, the law says you must let them. Hospitality extends to bathroom emergencies, it seems.

22. No Flying Kites in Victoria, Australia

Flying a kite to the annoyance of any person is illegal in Victoria. Because nothing says “public menace” like a piece of paper on a string.

23. No Dirty Cars in Russia

In Russia, driving a dirty car can land you a fine. It’s not just about pride; it’s the law. So, keep that ride shiny, or you might pay the price.

24. Illegal to Drive a Black Car on Sundays in Denver

In Denver, there’s a law that says you can’t drive a black car on Sundays. Guess it’s the perfect excuse to stay in and watch football.

25. Penguins Have the Right of Way in South Africa

In certain areas of South Africa, penguins have the right of way on the roads. It’s only fair, considering they’re dressed for success.

26. No Wearing Armor in Italian Parliament

Similar to the UK, Italy also has a law against wearing armor in Parliament. Because nothing disrupts a debate quite like a knight in shining armor.

27. You Can’t Name a Pig Napoleon in France

In France, it’s illegal to name a pig Napoleon. Historical respect runs deep, even for farm animals.

28. No Cactus Theft in Arizona

Stealing a cactus from someone’s land in Arizona is a serious offense. Cactus rustling is not the way to spruce up your garden.

29. Don’t Tie Your Alligator to a Fire Hydrant in Michigan

In Michigan, there’s a law against tying your alligator to a fire hydrant. Because, obviously, that was a rampant issue needing addressing.

30. No Keeping Ice Cream in Your Back Pocket in Kentucky

In Kentucky, walking around with ice cream in your back pocket is illegal. It’s a surefire way to ruin a perfectly good pair of jeans, anyway.

31. No Whistling Underwater in West Virginia

no whistling under water in west virginia

It’s illegal to whistle underwater in West Virginia. Because, you know, the fish complain about the noise pollution.

32. Don’t Let Your Chicken Cross the Road in Georgia

Yep, in Georgia, chickens must cross the road via the pedestrian crossing. Because chicken safety is no yolk.

33. No Gorilla in the Back Seat in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, it’s illegal to have a gorilla in the back seat of your car. The front seat, however, is apparently fair game.

34. Ban on Blue Jeans in North Korea

North Korea has a ban on blue jeans. It’s a fashion statement that’s just too rebellious.

35. Illegal to Run Out of Gas on the Autobahn in Germany

Running out of gas on the Autobahn in Germany is illegal. It’s not just embarrassing; it’s a matter of law.

36. No Feeding Pigeons in Venice

Feeding pigeons in Venice can get you fined. Those pigeons are on a strict no-human-food diet for their health.

37. No Building Sandcastles in Eraclea, Italy

In Eraclea, Italy, building sandcastles is banned. It’s a tough world out there for budding architects.

38. No Walking Your Elephant in San Francisco Without a Leash

If you’re walking your elephant in San Francisco, it must be on a leash. Because free-roaming elephants are where they draw the line.

39. Ban on Snowball Fights in Topeka, Kansas

Snowball fights are illegal in Topeka, Kansas. It’s all fun and games until someone legislates the snowball.

40. Illegal to Say “Arkansas” Incorrectly

not saying Arkansas properly

Pronouncing “Arkansas” incorrectly is actually illegal. So, practice before you speak, or you might be in a state of trouble. Yeah, I want to try it, but I’m scared….Ar…Ar…ArkansaRs?

41. No Fake Moustaches in Church in Alabama

Wearing a fake moustache in church that causes laughter is banned in Alabama. Because church is no place for fake moustache-induced giggles.

42. Illegal to Tickle Women in Virginia

In Virginia, it’s illegal to tickle women. Consent and personal space are taken very seriously, as they should be everywhere!

43. No Selling Your Eyeglasses in Texas on Sundays

Selling eyeglasses on Sunday in Texas is prohibited. Because clear vision is strictly a Monday through Saturday affair.

44. Ban on “Obnoxious” Odors in Public in Ontario, Canada

Walking around in public with an obnoxious odor is banned in Ontario, Canada. So, take a shower, or you might get a citation.

45. No Using X-Rays to Determine Shoe Size

Using an X-ray to determine shoe size is banned. Because foot fashion should not involve radiation.

46. No Serenading Your Girlfriend in Kalamazoo, Michigan

In Kalamazoo, serenading your girlfriend under her window is banned. Romeo would have had a tough time here, wouldn’t he?

47. Illegal to Wear Lacy Undergarments in Russia

In Russia, lacy undergarments are under scrutiny. Because clearly, the fabric of your intimates is a matter of national importance.

48. No Vacuuming at Night in Switzerland

In Switzerland, night-time vacuuming in apartment buildings is a no-go. It’s all about respecting your neighbor’s right to a peaceful night. So, let the dust bunnies party till morning.

49. Ban on Dying in the Town of Longyearbyen, Norway

In Longyearbyen, you can’t even die without breaking the law. The permafrost prevents bodies from decomposing, leading to this unusual regulation. Talk about taking “chilling for eternity” literally.

50. No Playing Dominoes on Sundays in Alabama

No playing dominoes on Sundays in Alabama

Sunday Dominoes? This is not the case in Alabama, where playing this game on Lord’s Day is illegal. Nothing says “Sabbath” like a ban on lining up small, rectangular tiles.

51. Illegal to Step on Money in Thailand

In Thailand, stepping on money is illegal because it’s considered disrespectful to the monarchy, whose visages grace the currency. Better keep an eye on where you’re stepping, especially during those windy days.

52. No Public Displays of Affection in the UAE

In the United Arab Emirates, public displays of affection are frowned upon legally. Keep those hugs and kisses for private moments unless you want to risk a fine or more.

53. A Licence to Wear Lipstick in Cleveland, Ohio

Women in Cleveland need a permit to wear cosmetics that “create a false impression.” So, if you’re planning to rock that red lipstick, you might need to get official permission first.

54. Ban on “Unusual” Names in Denmark

Denmark has a pre-approved list of baby names to protect children from being given “unusual” names. Sorry, but “Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116” is definitely out.

55. No Flying Kites in Manila, Philippines

Flying kites in public places in Manila is banned because it can cause public disturbance. Seems like Charlie Brown would have had a tough time here.

56. No Public Farting in Florida After 6 PM on Thursdays

Florida reportedly has a law against public farting after 6 PM on Thursdays. Because, as everyone knows, the natural law of flatulence observes a strict weekly schedule.

57. Illegal to Name a Pig “Napoleon” in France

As mentioned, it bears repeating: In France, pigs cannot be named “Napoleon.” It’s a nod to respecting historical figures, but one wonders how many pigs have been so named to necessitate this law.

58. No Getting Drunk in a Pub in the UK

Ironically, it’s illegal to be drunk in a pub in the UK. Yes, the very place designed for drinking. It’s like telling someone to go to a library but not read the books.

59. No Eating Biscuits on Christmas Day in the UK

An old law forbids the eating of mince pies or biscuits on Christmas Day in the UK. Thankfully, this one’s not really enforced, or Christmas might be a lot less tasty.

60. Must Smile at All Times in Milan, Italy

In Milan, it’s mandated by law that you must smile at all times, except during funerals or hospital visits. It’s the city of fashion and enforced happiness, apparently.

61. No Forgetting Your Spouse’s Birthday in Samoa

Forgetting your spouse’s birthday isn’t just a marital faux pas in Samoa; it’s a legal misstep. Better mark those calendars in ink, folks.

62. Illegal to Be a Living Billboard in Russia

In Russia, attaching advertising to oneself and walking around is forbidden. So, if you had plans to be a human billboard, you might want to rethink your advertising strategy.

63. No Wearing Heels to the Acropolis in Greece

Greece has banned wearing high heels at the Acropolis to protect the ancient monument. It’s all about preserving history, not your fashion statement.

64. Mustache Ban for Kissing in Eureka, Nevada

Men with mustaches in Eureka, Nevada, must think twice before kissing women—it’s technically illegal. Guess it’s time to invest in a good razor or ensure your significant other loves a bit of bristle.

65. No Dancing in Japan Without a License

Up until very recently, dancing after midnight in Japan required a special license due to an old law. So, if your moves are too good to confine to daylight hours, make sure you’re licensed to thrill.

66. No Holding Salmon Under Suspicious Circumstances in the UK

The UK’s Salmon Act of 1986 includes a provision against holding salmon under suspicious circumstances. If you thought fishy behavior was just a metaphor, think again.

67. Ban on Yellow Clothes in Malaysia

Malaysia once had a law against wearing yellow clothing, as it was associated with protest movements. It’s not just a color; it’s a statement.

68. No Changing a Light Bulb Unless You’re a Licensed Electrician in Victoria, Australia

In Victoria, a non-licensed electrician changing a light bulb could technically be breaking the law. Better call in the pros for those pesky blown bulbs.

69. No Seducing Unmarried Women in Michigan

In Michigan, seducing an unmarried woman is against the law. It’s an old statute, so Casanovas might be off the hook, but it’s still on the books.

70. Illegal to Drive Blindfolded in Alabama

It might seem obvious, but in Alabama, it’s specifically illegal to drive while blindfolded. Because common sense needs a legal backing sometimes.

71. No Noise Complaints About Children’s Voices in Italy

Italy has a law protecting the sound of children’s voices as not being noise pollution. So, next time a child’s play gets a bit loud, remember—it’s not noise; it’s the sound of freedom.

72. Illegal to Challenge Someone to a Duel in Canada

Challenging someone to a duel in Canada could land you in legal trouble. It seems Canada prefers its disputes settled with words rather than pistols at dawn.

73. No Owning Just One Guinea Pig in Switzerland

In Switzerland, owning just one guinea pig is illegal because they’re social animals and need companionship. It’s about animal welfare, even on the smallest scale.

74. No Building Sandcastles in Some Parts of Spain

Certain Spanish beaches have banned building sandcastles. It’s not just child’s play; it’s a serious beach business.

75. Illegal to Ride an Ugly Horse in Wilbur, Washington

In Wilbur, Washington, riding an ugly horse is prohibited. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but apparently, there’s a standard even for horseback riding.

76. No Feeding Alcohol to Moose in Alaska

In Alaska, giving alcohol to a moose is not just discouraged; it’s illegal. Because, clearly, drunken moose are where Alaskans draw the line.

77. Illegal to Carry an Ice Cream Cone in Your Pocket in Lexington, Kentucky

Walking around with an ice cream cone in your pocket is a no-go in Lexington. It’s an oddly specific rule that makes you ponder the ice cream-related incidents of the past.

78. No Singing Off-Key in North Carolina

North Carolina takes its music seriously, prohibiting singing off-key. So, you might want to fine-tune those vocal cords before belting out your next tune in public.

79. Illegal to Attach a Siren to Your Bike in Sudbury, Ontario

In Sudbury, it’s against the law to attach a siren to your bicycle. Because the last thing you want is a bike pulling you over for speeding.

80. Ban on Water Gun Fights in Cambodia

Cambodia has put a dampener on water gun fights, banning them to prevent disorder. So, you’ll need to find another way to cool off during those hot Southeast Asian days.

81. No Wearing Masks in Public in Denmark Without a Permit

Denmark requires a permit for anyone wanting to wear a mask in public places. So, plan your Halloween costumes accordingly, or you might end up with a different kind of scare.

82. Illegal to Sleep on a Fridge Outside in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, sleeping on top of a refrigerator outdoors is illegal. Inside might still be fair game, but who’s checking?

83. No Buying or Selling Chewing Gum in Singapore

As previously mentioned, Singapore takes its cleanliness seriously, with a ban on the sale of chewing gum. Stick to mints if you’re looking to freshen your breath.

84. Illegal to Dry Clothes in Microwave in India

In India, there’s a law against drying clothes in the microwave. It’s a safety measure that, frankly, shouldn’t need to be specified.

85. No Spitting in Barcelona

To keep the streets clean, Barcelona has outlawed spitting. It’s all part of the city’s charm offensive.

86. Must Not Have a Couch on Your Porch in Boulder, Colorado

Boulder, Colorado, says no to couches on porches. It’s a law that really makes you wonder about the city’s history with outdoor living room setups.

87. Illegal to Say “Bingo” Falsely in North Carolina

Yelling “Bingo” falsely in North Carolina can get you in trouble. It’s all fun and games until someone lies about their bingo card.

88. No Stealing Soap in Mohave County, Arizona

In Mohave County, if you steal soap, you must wash yourself until the bar of soap has completely dissolved. It’s a clean punishment for a dirty crime.

89. Ban on “Annoying” Electronic Messages in Grenada

Grenada takes the digital high road, banning the sending of “annoying” electronic messages. Defining “annoying,” however, is a whole other matter.

90. No Whales in Nebraska’s State Lakes

Nebraska has a law on the books banning whales from state lakes. This seems like prudent planning, considering Nebraska’s notable lack of oceanic coastline.

91. No Vacuum Cleaners After 10 PM in Melbourne, Australia

In Melbourne, the quiet evening hours are protected by law, prohibiting the use of vacuum cleaners after 10 PM in residential homes. So, plan your cleaning sprees accordingly or prepare for some serious side-eye from the neighbors.

92. Illegal to Possess a Rabbit Without a Permit in Queensland, Australia

Queensland takes its rabbit regulations seriously, requiring a permit to own one. It’s all in an effort to protect the local environment from these adorable but potentially invasive creatures.

93. No Using Elephants to Plow Fields in North Carolina

North Carolina has a law on the books against using elephants to plow cotton fields. It’s a specific ban that leaves us all wondering about the historical events that led to its creation.

94. Ban on Fortune Telling in Yamhill, Oregon

In Yamhill, practicing fortune-telling can get you in legal trouble. So, keep your crystal balls and tarot cards under wraps, or you might foresee some legal fees in the future.

95. No Playing Piano at Night in San Salvador

San Salvador respects the nighttime peace, making it illegal to play the piano at night. Because nothing says “disturbance” quite like a nocturnal Beethoven sonata.

96. Illegal to Build Sandcastles in Eraclea, Italy (reiterated)

As mentioned before, Eraclea’s ban on sandcastles is worth noting again for its commitment to tidy beaches. Future architects and playful children must find other mediums for their creativity.

97. No Wearing Hot Pink Pants After Midday Sunday in Victoria, Australia

Victoria once had a law against wearing hot pink pants after midday on Sundays. While fashion evolves, this law serves as a colorful reminder of style regulations from a bygone era.

98. Must Not Kiss on Train Platforms in France

France once enforced a ban on kissing on train platforms to prevent passionate farewells from delaying trains. Modern love must find its moments away from the tracks.

99. Illegal to Hail a Taxi in London if You Have the Plague

In London, it’s against the law to hail a taxi if you’re afflicted by the plague. Fortunately, it’s a sensible health measure that doesn’t see much enforcement these days.

100. No Carrying a Plank Along the Pavement in London

In London, carrying a plank along the pavement can land you in legal trouble, a rule from the Metropolitan Police Act of 1839 meant to prevent obstructions. Modern-day DIY enthusiasts take note.

101. Not sharing this Article

You heard that right; not sharing this article with your friends is also a crime, so giddy up and share 100thingies.com with your friends and family!

Alright, we all saw how sweaty you have become reading through this list; come on, you must be guilty of one, two, or most of them. Which was it? Which was your favorite? Let us know via the comment section!

And please remember to share!

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